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congrats, thank you's, random thoughts, etc.
Posted By: Disa Hatfield
Date: Wednesday, 12 July 2006, at 5:42 a.m.
Congratulations to all the lifters who competed this past weekend at Men's Nationals, especially my fellow record breaking Inzerites Wade, Brian, Tony C, and Leonetta. This is the first time I have gotten to see many of our champions like Brian, Jason, Caleb, and Nick lift and it was amazing to watch. These young guys are putting up some huge mumbers now and they are only going to get better.
Special thanks to Anthony (otherwise known as Mike Mastrean's Life Coach) for putting up with me at the meet, Rene for putting up with outside of the meet, and Peter and John at Inzer for keeping me dressed.
One thought that came to my mind this weekend was the caliber of our women's program. In her first meet as an Open lifter, Kendra Miller battled it out with Erin for a win and Leonetta came in and broke the American bench record in the 165's in her FIRST full powerlifting meet. Adding into the mix are some of our up and comers like Jenn Perry who lifted in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago in the 132's and Liane Blyn who equaled the American total record in the 165's. It was also great to see veteran lifter Kim Hooper back on the platform this weekend. Our women's program is getting more and more competitive, and I for one am already looking forward to Nationals in February.
The news about Russia's suspension came to us on Sunday, and the general consensus seems to be that no one wants a Worlds' without the competition they will bring... we just a want World's that is a level playing field. I hope that is the case in a few years. Also, for some of those that posted doubts about our drug-free status and are whining that WADA wasn't at our Nationals- well, the only response I heard all weekend to that was "bring it."
Thanks again to all those who have helped me out, this weekend was a blast hanging out with old friends and meeting new ones. Congrats again to all the winners, and I will see you in Norway!
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