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REMINDER: So. Cal. Regional Entry Deadline 10/17
Posted By: Lance Slaughter
Date: Monday, 13 October 2008, at 4:20 p.m.
A friendly reminder that entries to the USAPL Southern California Regional Powerlifting & Bench Press Championships must be postmarked no later than FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. The So. Cal. Regional will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2008 at Velocity Sports Performance in Santa Clarita, CA. The meet is open to all levels of experience, new and elite, and will offer events in standard equipped and raw categories.
An information packet and entry form is available at www.usapowerlifting.com and www.usapl-ca.org. You are also welcome and encouraged to contact me at lanceoslaughter@yahoo.com to request an entry form by email.
Lance Slaughter
Contest Director
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