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Posted By: Cheryl Anderson
Date: Tuesday, 7 November 2006, at 8:04 p.m.

In Response To: Re: IMPORTANT RULE CHANGES (Rich Edinger)

It's a lot of changes affecting a lot of people, all made at the same time. This is suppossed to be a member-run organization, no? If it is, I think most of us are unaware of which members decided all of these things, leading to the final changes made.

On a lighter note (since there has to be something light around here, since the 97's and men's 114's are gone now), it looks like this has caused a bunch of dudes in Fargo to spend way too much time thoroughly analyzing and scrutinizing each other's posteriors. Rather than the execution of the lift itself, that is. Butt what if this isn't enough to keep the subjective red lights away? Very problematic. You know things are rather assonine when more than one forum can legitimately sustain discussions all about buttocks (the whole, the parts, behavioral/flex response, etc...everything you wanted to know, or didn't want to know, or certainly never thought of but are now worried about). Will there be a new paddle to signify buttock violations or non-whole-of-the-buttocks-bombouts? Butt at least for the remainder of 2006, we can rest on part-of-the-buttocks, assured that we can concentrate on benching itself.

Buns - I mean, puns - intended


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