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High school powerlifting season
Posted By: Tom North
Date: Sunday, 3 December 2006, at 10:50 a.m.
The Texas High school powerlifting season starts the first part of January and ends in March with the state meet. Here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area there is always a need for qualified judges. The only qualification is to be 18 and over with experience in powerlifting so you know what you are looking for. There is also a test that is too easy. Boys meets are on saturdays and girls are usually on friday night. Some weekends there is a need to fill over 60 positions and they all pay $. If you live near or in the metro plex and would like to do this, please contact me as soon as possible at tpntwin@yahoo.com. The last four years I've talked USAPL up to the coaches and schools. Seems to be working. Look how many more schools have the kids coming. The more USAPL members judging these meets and talking to coaches, the more we will be known. There were over 10,000 kids competing in the high schools last year, lets swing them to our group. Coaches are calling to set up their meets, and they've learned it's first called, first served. So contact me as soon as possible. My cell phone is 682-597-7592 if you prefer that. Take note: If you commit to a date, BE THERE. Good luck and have a nice holiday season.
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