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Re: Stupid Jason Tricks - Volume 325

Posted By: mark daniel
Date: Monday, 8 January 2007, at 11:28 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Stupid Jason Tricks - Volume 325 (Jason Burnell)

OK big J; been reading these ouch-moments for months & I've got a million of em.
The Best (especially for sympathetic guy reader/lifters)was the time I was box squatting w/a medium hard load, for me, no spotters or power rack. I had been twisting while squatting for years, and vowed to fix this problem, by TWISTING HARD TO THE OTHER DIRECTION while squatting, trying to develop appropriate muscles and better habits (no, I do NOT coach this way!).
As I went down for second rep there was a 'pop', a sick 'cloth ripping' sound, and another 'pop', deep in the hip.
Stuck on box...yelling...new (tiny) wife, watching in horror from across room coming 'to the rescue'...actually just stood back up in outright fear...Emergency Room...Strange man in scrubs removing my underwear (not good!)....tore massive amount of tissue deep in lower abdom cavity/hip connective region...discolored/huge swelling in VERY VERY "sensitive" regions (ALL of them)...internal bleeding to the point that most of one leg darkened, as well as all my, uh, lower mid-section. Surgeon asked to take "MED JOURNAL" photos?? Didn't happen. Still, did squat again within several months, but for a while the whole team froze in fear each time I went down. Still limp a little (excuse pun).


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