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Re: Stupid Jason Tricks - Volume 325
Posted By: Jason Burnell In Response To: Re: Stupid Jason Tricks - Volume 325 (mark daniel)
Date: Tuesday, 9 January 2007, at 9:49 a.m.
I love it!
Ya know, now that I think of it it is amazing we are not all dead.
There was the time I was doing 8" box squats and one of my partners wasn't there. We recruited one of the "guys who worked at the gym" (this wasn't at Basics or Diablo this was a while back) for my last set because I was going for a PR.
My training partner told him "DO NOT Touch the bar unless I do or I tell you to. "
I was aiming for 500 lbs. So, I got to the box, paused and started up. It was moving but it was slow. I think you know where this is going...
all of a sudden one side of the bar just lifts up real fast and I'm bent sort of like a Slinky or a 90 degree pipe fitting.For some reason the guy decided to not only spot me but to just pull up on the bar with all of his might. My back did that "home chiropractic" thing where you just hear a lot of adjustments....
Luckily, my one of my partners grabbed me and the other grabbed the other end of the bar and got it even.
I wanted to kill the guy but I couldn't stand up so I had to yell at him like a hunchback.
That one hurt for a while and took a number of trips to the chiro to fix.
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