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Ran across this American Open video... *LINK*
Posted By: Cheryl Anderson
Date: Saturday, 13 January 2007, at 10:10 p.m.
...posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-otVVOxVfo
I thought it was awesome footage that not only tells the story of a lifter's very first meet (we could all remember our own, likely could never forget even if we wanted to!) but shows the all-star meet/platform crew, refs, and others in action and brings back great memories of the American Open last month in Cali. The best part that just had me and Coach DeVito cracking-up...about halfway through is almost a full minute of nothing but BOMBING, BOMBS, and BOMB FOOTAGE - yeah, has the point been driven-home??
LOL! Great work by Boingyman putting together the video, editing, special effects, etc. Armando, the bad pause on the bench brought back memories to me of my own first meet... it gets better... best of successful future meets to you.
YouTube video from the American Open
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