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2007 USAPL PA State Bench & DL Championships *LINK*
Posted By: Niko Hulslander
Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2007, at 6:20 p.m.
Hey folks!
The USAPL PA State Bench & DL championships will be held in Shrewsbury, PA, just 15 minutes south of York. Garage Ink Powerlifting will host this contest. We have the meet scheduled for May 26th. Yeah, this is Memorial Day weekend, but the meet hotel is just 35 minutes from the Inner Harbor of Baltimore!!!! Come compete, make a long weekend out of it, go down to the inner harbor and check out the National Aquarium and other sites!The contest web page is up. You can go to the Purepowerlifting.com Upcoming Contests and click on the link or check it out right here!
Check it out often for updates!
Hope to see you all there!
Niko @ Garage Ink
Garage Ink Hosts the Big Show!
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