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American Open -- Training Seminar/Dr. Rob Wagner *LINK* *PIC*

Posted By: Robert Keller
Date: Monday, 28 November 2005, at 12:50 p.m.

The training seminiar at this year's USAPL American Open Powerlifting Championships shall be conducted by Dr. Robert Wagner.

The Topic shall be "Psychological Arousal Techniques used by Powerlifters"

The presentation will focus on the recent and actual research that Dr. Wagner conducted for his PhD dissertation, and will cover the plusses and pitfalls of these arousal techniques.

The seminar has been moved to Saturday at 5:00pm, once session II lifting is complete, and prior to the start of the Invitational Bench Press Championship.

Thank you for your assistance.

Sincere regards,

Robert Keller

2005 USAPL American Open Championships


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