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2007 USAPL PA States *LINK*

Posted By: Niko Hulslander
Date: Monday, 26 March 2007, at 9:40 a.m.

Just want to drop a few words of Thanks and well wishes to all the lifters this past weekend. I hope you all had a great time and got some new PR's. Thanks so much to all the spotters, loaders, and judges. Lots of hard work and dedication from these people make it possible for a good show. Thanks to Rob Keller for putting on the States in such short notice. I look forward to next year's championships to be held in the Clarks Summit area by Steve Mann.

Thanks so much to all those who stopped by the Garage Ink booth! It was fun to meet new folks of the Iron Game and hope we see you soon!

Of last note, I especially want to thank Al Seigel. For his words of encouragement after the squats. He has always been there for the lifters and I can't wait to be on the platform with him again!

Take care and see you all soon!
Niko @ Garage Ink
Garage INK!!!!

NEW PR's w/ Titan Gear!!!


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