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Attention Ohio Resident Lifters: *LINK*
Posted By: Steve Petrencak
Date: Tuesday, 22 May 2007, at 6:58 p.m.
Attention Ohio Resident Lifters:
If you lifted at one of the following meets this year and are a resident of Ohio, please email me your name and age at the time of the meet. I would like to recognize any possible records you may have achieved.
2007 Women's Nationals - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
2007 Masters' Nationals - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2007 Collegiate Nationals - Killeen, Texas
2007 High School Nationals - Alexandria, Louisiana
2007 Military/Armed Forces Nationals - Tucson, ArizonaAlso, for future reference, if you plan on lifting at one of the following meets later this year, please let me know so that I can look for your results.
2007 Teen/Junior Nationals - Kalamazoo, Michigan (June)
2007 Men's Nationals - St Louis, MO (July)
2007 Bench Nationals - Denver, Colorado (Nov)
2007 American Open - Scranton, PA (Dec)Thanks in advance
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