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Championship Report -- 2009 USAPL Europa
Posted By: Robert Keller
Date: Wednesday, 22 April 2009, at 2:07 p.m.
The USAPL Europa Show of Champions Bench Press, Superlifting and Powerlifting Championships were a great success for USA Powerlifting!
Show highlights include the following:
April Shumaker totaled 799 lbs at a bodyweight of just 104lbs and was awarded the overall best female lifter for the competition. April’s total equaled Cheryl Anderson’s winning performance at the Women’s National Championships during February of this year. April squatted 270lbs, bench pressed 209 lbs and deadlifted 319lbs. April just missed locking out the USAPL Open American Record in the Bench Press with 216lbs.
Hennis Washington was the overall best male powerlifter for the championship totaling a huge 1427.5 lbs. Hennis squatted 567lbs; bench pressed 330lbs and pulled 529lbs. Mysteriously, Beau Moore, who was registered for the competition was a no show. Notably, second place finisher Matt Otero was impressive and continues to steadily improve.
Anton Kraft from Denmark, multi-time IPF world champion and record holder was simply remarkable in his lifting this day. Anton at a bodyweight of just 123lbs pressed 451 lbs and 462lbs for new all-time marks. Both lifts also exceed his current IPF world records. Anton was the overall light class winner in the bench press. Anton’s Wilks score was off the charts -- 191.2, the second highest of all time in the bench press.
Mike Ferrantelli was the overall heavyweight winner in the bench press. Mike pressed a very easy 551lbs on his second attempt, which was a repeat of his first. His final third attempt of 601lbs was literally a half-inch from lockout. If Mike did not have to repeat his opener, surely the 601 would have definitely gone -- look for much more at USAPL Bench Press Nationals in Cleveland! Peter Maynard continues to improve and is built to bench press. Look for a 600 Bench Press next year from this guy!
Based on the outstanding performances by each of these four [4] athletes each was awarded $250.00 in cash, a Powerlifting Gear Sponsorship from Inzer Advance Designs for $500.00, a Quest Nutrition Gift Certificate for $50.00 and a Con Cret Nutrition Sling Bag with over $100.00 in supplements. Thoughtfully, Anton Kraft donated his Gear Sponsorship Certificate of $500.00 to the Spotting/Loading Team from Florida Gulf Coast University [FGCU].
The Superlifting Championship was won by the following:
501.50 lb / 227.5 kg Bar for [02] IPF Style Repetitions: Mike Ferrantelli
402.25 lb / 182.5 kg Bar for [04] IPF Style Repetitions: JT Hall
303.00 lb / 137.5 kg Bar for [21] IPF Style Repetitions: Clint PooreEach winner of the Superlifting Championship was awarded $300.00 in cash. Both Clint and JT Hall had to go to a bench off as they both tied with 11 reps on the initial round with 303 lbs. Clint prevailed during the second round with yet another 10 reps to JT Halls 6 repetitions.
The official results can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/floridausapl/Europa
Special thanks go out to our sponsors Inzer Advance Designs, Quest Nutrition, and Con Cret Nutrition. Overall, $4600.00 in cash and prizes were awarded to the athletes.
The event’s success was due to the volunteer efforts of the following people: Michael and Karen Licciardi, Tony Nicolini, Jim Dundon and Rick Fowler. Rick was outstanding, yet again, commanding the microphone and announcing the championship. The officiating was consistent, fair, and steady with no complaints. Finally, once again, the spotting/loading team from FGCU shined with their extremely fast and accurate loading. Their spotting of the athletes and loading of the weights is second to none.
The Orange County Convention Center located directly off of International Drive in downtown Orlando has no rivals in terms of location and extravagance. The location serves the fitness and strength sports community VERY well and my compliments to Mr/Mrs Ed and Betty Pariso for the selection of such a terrific spot and date for this event.
The USA Powerlifting Europa Show of Championship served as one of the official selection events for the 2010 Arnold Sports Festival. USA Powerlifting will be back in force next year – of course, look for another well attended and great show directed by USA Powerlifting.
Robert Keller
Championship Director
2009 USAPL Show of Championships – Orlando, Florida
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