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2008 Rankings for 165s!
Posted By: Rich Edinger
Date: Sunday, 17 May 2009, at 4:04 p.m.
Here, are the unofficial total rankings for the 165s for the 2008 year. I did these while watching the 4th quarter of the Laker's game. The results are based on partial results only gleaned via the www. There are going to be some errors. I apologize if I misspelled lifters' names from the 2008 Collegiate Nationals. However, the last names in the results are not readable. IF there are any corrections or changes, please email me @ edingerlaw@cableone.net and I will make the corrections.
1) 1851 Wade Hooper 3/1/08
2) 1697 Eriek Nickson November 2008
3) 1636 Malieke Derstine April 2008
4) 1614 David Hammer 6/13/08
5) 1570 Mike Houston April 2008
6) 1554 Gregory Page October 2008
7) 1477 Donovon Thompson May 2008
1471 John Dalessio May 2008
9) 1438 Nathan Walton December 2008
10) 1438 Laramie McMasters December 2008
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