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Re: I can't believe this kind of stuff...
Posted By: Jason "Megathrust Man" Burnell In Response To: Re: I can't believe this kind of stuff... (Garry Holmen)
Date: Wednesday, 22 August 2007, at 6:01 p.m.
"I never knew your wife was big into email Deep."
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... it wasn't my wife. It was someone I'd NEVER, EVER want to see nekkid. I'm just returning the heebie jeebies that you gave me.
PS: Thanks for the phone call this weekend. Your cell phone sucks... You need that "Can you still hear me?" guy to come to your house. "
It was a case of bad cellular. I called the "can you hear me guy but my phone cut off before he could answer.
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