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Re: USPF Nationals
Posted By: Jason Burnell In Response To: USPF Nationals (JoeDalton)
Date: Sunday, 2 September 2007, at 9:42 p.m.
" Jason, I am glad I finally got to meet you."
Joe, I am glad you got to meet me too! It's a special treat that everyone should experience at least once. It was good to meet you too. Always nice to put a face with a name.
" I hope you do not get kicked out of USAPL for working an USPF meet.
Nah, despite the claims of the USAPL haters there is no rule against lifters helping other lifters. Plus, out here in California we pretty much get along and help each other out. You'll see USPF and USAPL guys helping each other out all the time. We even get along with the APF guys - we've even shaved a few down and taught them to speak. The speaking thing was largely a mistake but hey.. live and learn.
" I had a good time and you seemed to have been enjoying yourself also. Looking forward to working with you again."
Had a blast. Got to see some old friends and mentors really wanted to see Eddy's last meet. How can you not have a good time when Ed Coan tries to strangle you, Nick Best tries to strangle you AND you get to hear a couple of stories from Kirk Karwoski.... AND on top of all that the 2nd and 3rd sexiest men in powerlifting were their to honor my place as numero uno. Of course, I'm speaking of The People's Champion and Scottie "Too Hottie" Layman.
I'm sure we'll meet again!
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