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Vicious rumor unfounded
Posted By: Will Morris
Date: Monday, 8 October 2007, at 9:58 a.m.
Great I.P.F masters,teams did great and the coaching was out of sight, but the warm up area coaching was fantastic. Alex Galant was at his masterfull best, thank you and J.G SO MUCH.
All i had to do was lift. Every thing was super, except this. As most of you know, i was assisting
Regina and i was given, by Regina the task of wrapping her lovely legs but because Mr Gaudreau is a larger, and much more powerfull man than i am Regina decided that he should wrap her legs and not me, i am a team player and had no problem with this eleventh hour change, please keep in mind that i also assisted with the Bench and Dead lift as well, this in itself would indicate to even a idiot that i was not quote,[fired]unquote by Regina.Some people, who will go ,unnamed, at this time,but only if it stops now, but if it does not than i will be forced to take this matter to a higher authority. Yet another, rumor, not as bad as the above, but still some what demeaning in nature was this, i was not fired by Regina but only reduced to a rope boy, that is i am not allowed to handle the more rewarding job of wrapping the knees, but was allowed to use my little rope to pull the wraps thru the last wrap in order to secure the wrap.I find the title of rope boy exceptable,but not thread boy, that is going to far. In order to stop this character assassination from going any further i am asking that Regina come forward at this time and tell what happened, also i think that Dan should also tell you what he saw and heard so as we can put this idle gossip to bed,thank you, Will Morris.
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