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Referees for USAPL Bench Nationals
Posted By: Cathy Marksteiner--Technical Secretary
Date: Thursday, 16 July 2009, at 6:00 a.m.
We are 8 weeks away from the 2009 Bench Press Nationals. If you are a referee (USAPL National, IPF CAT I, IPF Cat II) and plan on attending as a lifter, a coach, or simply to referee, please shoot me an email at the following email address:
cmarksteiner@gmail.comMost of you know when you will be either lifting or coaching. I would love to hear when you would be available to help as a referee. If you are a referee and not available to help, that is important information as well. Remember, this is an opportunity to referee a BENCH PRESS ONLY meet. The sessions will go by quickly.
Looking forward to hearing from MANY of you.
Cathy Marksteiner
Technical Secretary
USAPL 2009 Bench Press Nationals
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