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2009 USAPL Bench Press Nationals
Posted By: Cathy Marksteiner--Technical Secretary
Date: Thursday, 16 July 2009, at 5:57 a.m.
The 2009 USAPL Bench Press Nationals is only 8 weeks away!! September 12 and 13, 2009
Cleveland will be the host city for this National Championship. Gary Kanaga is the meet director, with Team Ohio assisting and supporting him. The web site, designed and developed by Steve Petrancak, has everything you would like to know about the meet, the hotel, Cleveland and gives tons of activities for everyone. So much to see--check it out.
[url]http://www.usaplbenchpressnationals.com/contacts.html[/url]The hotel is on the National Registry of Historic buildings. Just around the corner, there are many restaurants and shops to choose from in the Tower City Center. Downtown Cleveland is really beautiful. I know, I know. Some of you may say "there is no such thing as a beautiful downtown city". But, even I, a self-proclaimed "I don't want to be in a city girl", thought Downtown Cleveland is indeed beautiful. The venue and warm up areas will be in the Ballroom. The rooms are posh and plush.
The lifting will be, as at any of our National Championships, great. So, come --compete, make new friends, renew friendships, and be prepared to have a great time.
Cathy Marksteiner
Technical Secretary
2009 USAPL Bench Press Nationals
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