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Re: why Larry why?
Posted By: Jason Burnell In Response To: Re: why Larry why? (Larry "Iron" Smith)
Date: Sunday, 18 December 2005, at 3:30 p.m.
"I tend to not see any negative intent in the "that Inzer assumed the lawsuit."
Let me ask you this. Would you agree that the main theme of Larry's post was that the IPF a) should have learned from it's past and b) that the IPF doesn't seem to have been consistent in it's enforcement of rules regarding lifters in non-IPF meets?
If you agree with that, then what exactly do the words" "that Inzer assumed" do to strengthen that argument? I would say they add nothing.
If they add nothing of value, why use them? From what I can see it's either a force of habit, or an intentional attempt to put Inzer in a negative light be implying that he was involved in keeping the IPF out of the US. I point to Larry's other writings to indicate that there is indeed a pattern of this.
"Unless you know something about Larry that we don't know"
I don't know the man but I've read his meet reports/articles and more than once, as I already pointed out he's done similar things.
I was also standing about six feet away from him in the warmup room at Men's Nationals a few years ago when he was handling Joe McAulliffe. Just after Joe set a new IPF bench record, Larry said, "can't wait till Bench Nationals to send those Inzerites home."
Not "good job." Not even "Man that shirt worked well." Just "send those Inzerites home."
However, I could be totally mistaken. He might have just meant to type a comma and accidentally typed "that Inzer assumed."
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