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York Barbell screwed my Special Olympics program
Posted By: Ted J. Isabella
Date: Friday, 15 February 2008, at 7:26 a.m.
I just wanted to inform lifters about how York Barbell Company screwed my Special Olympics of Rhode Island program. I am the Director of Powerlifting for the SORI. Through the years I have contacted companies to donate powerlifting gear for my lifters. I contacted York Barbell about acquiring a set of calibrated competition plates for my program. Either to get them donated, get the price reduced or purchase them out right. They gave me a very inexpensive price per pound, so I purchased a small set of plates from them. When I received them, the plates were anything but calibrated. The plates were of poor quality and were completely inaccurate. I had the plates check on two certified scales and they were completely off. I asked the company to fix the plates or refund the money to my SORI program and they said they would nothing. The York Barbell told me I got what I paid for. Yes I did get what I paid for. Cheap, poor quality, inaccurate plates for a company who I thought had a strong history and bond with competitive lifting. I will never again purchase anything, not even so much as a sticker, from York Barbell ever again. I would hope other lifters around the country, who are involved with the Special Olympics or not, would do the same. I am amazed that a company for it history would screw my Special Olympics program and athletes for a buck. Shame on them.
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