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Re: question for j beck
Posted By: Jason Beck In Response To: question for j beck (jon rock)
Date: Monday, 9 January 2006, at 3:07 p.m.
jason beck,
i am trying your routine that was in powerlfiting usa, so far its great, but i am using it for a raw meet. my question to you is, if you were to use your program as i am, how would you modify the last 4 wks since equipment will not be used? any help is appreciated
jon rock
Its easy...the entire program is based off percentages. You probably noticed that I listed my raw (no gear...not even a belt) maxes along with my equiped maxes. The percentages for the equipped weeks is based off my equipped max and my raw weeks are based off the raw max. Just do the last 4 weeks based on you raw max.To figure this out you can...
1) use the numbers I posted in the magazine to figure out my percentages
2)shoot me an email and I will send you the excel spreadsheet with the program on it. That way you can simply plug in your own numbers and print it out.
If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.
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