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USAPL Louisiana State Meet *LINK*
Posted By: Byron Nichols
Date: Sunday, 22 January 2006, at 5:02 a.m.
I want to thank Wade Hooper, James Townsend, James Burdette, John Vining, Rich Blaumuller and Christie Smith (and anyone I may have forgotten) for all their help yesterday at the LA State Meet, Jon Magendie for putting on a great meet, and all the judges, spotters and loaders for their hard work. I alway love lifting in meets in that area because I know that are going to be run in a first class manner. It was great to see all the Louisiana guys again: Paul Fletcher, Jack Reape, Tom Babcock, etc. I missed seeing Big Kory!
I set a new Mississippi 275 Men's Open state record in the bench at 250kg (551) and had a near miss at 277.5kg (611.8). I also quailifed for my first Master's Nationals, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Thanks again! I had a great time.
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