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2004 & 2005 USAPL American Open Team Champions *LINK*

Posted By: Niko Hulslander
Date: Tuesday, 24 January 2006, at 8:26 a.m.

Folks! The 2004 & 2005 USAPL American Open Team Champions; Garage INK have started their own web page. It is still in its beginning stages but check it out! We have a Team Roster with Lifter Bios, Pics, Video, and more to come. We have Links to the USAPL Main page and to Titan Support Sytems.

We have done ALOT within a LITTLE space! This 20 x 25 foot garage includes an ER Rack Combo set, Ivanko Kilo Plates and bar, 4 Texas Power Bars, count them (48) 45 lbs plates, lockers, and 13 other pieces of equipment!

If you like the rough and ready atmosphere that will bring out the best in you, then make plans for a road trip and come train with us in the GARAGE!!!

Take care,
Niko Hulslander & Garage INK



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