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Hotel - Collegiate National Championships *LINK* *PIC*
Posted By: Robert Keller
Date: Monday, 30 January 2006, at 8:47 p.m.
Attention all coaches/athletes attending the 2006 USAPL Collegiate National Championships in Miami:
After several rounds of negotiations, I have secured the Hyatt Hotel for the Collegiate National Championships...
Key and Important, the Hyatt is four star hotel[connected] directly to the University of Miami -Ash Auditorium in the James L. Knight Center...
This is the same hotel that was used to house the athletes for the 2005 IPF Men's World Powerlifting Championships this past November...
Reservations for the Hyatt Hotel can be made at the following telephone number: 305.358.1234 -- Group Code: USA Powerlifting
The contest application and the championship website have been updated to reflect these changes...
Information for the 2006 USAPL Collegiate National Championships can be found at the following weblink: http://www.ipfworlds.com/collegiate
To close, any questions, please contact me directly at either 954.790.2249 or rhk@verizon.net
As before, please ensure that you make your reservations in a timely manner...
Thank you for your assistance!
Sincere regards,
Robert Keller
2006 USAPL Collegiate National Championships
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