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Re: Masters Nationals
Posted By: Jason "MegaThrust Man" Burnell In Response To: Re: Masters Nationals (Garry Holmen)
Date: Wednesday, 25 April 2007, at 1:20 p.m.
> Seriously, it's Master's Nationals. It's a fun
> meet but it's not something I get really fired
> up for.Is that why you had all the math difficulty at the last Master Nationals you went to?
That's cold BUT I wasn't doing the math. I left that in the hands of my traning partner. I dind't know he was an idiot. LOL
I can laugh about it now. If Rich makes his last lift, we need a weight change. If he misses, the number I've called for is enough. I tell my partners - got to the score table because we need to tell them before they load the bar. Just load what I need and I'll pull it.
It's kind of a dream scenario.
Last lifter of the flight. Last deadlift of the flight. The winning weight is on the bar. I walk up and yank it up clean and fast. The head ref yells "Down". I hold it there for several seconds with a shit eating grin on my face while the crowd (er.. my kids) are yelling and people (eer... my wife) are taking pics. I put it down and walk off the platform and.....
Johnny Graham says, "what the hell did you do that for?" I'm a little confused and wonder if Johnny was just pulling for the other guy. Then Rob Keller says, "Why'd you do that" and points to the screen.
I look up and realize that I'd pulled myself all the way up from second place to...... second place. Lose by 2.5 kilos. WTF? I look over at my training parter and he's got this look on his face... and then his head drops.
Oh well, he bought the beer and has been nicknamed "mathmatico" ever since.
"When even the old people can get the math right you know you're in trouble."
They've been doing it longer. Plus, I'm from the "Can we use a calculator" generation.
"Besides you know your and my email boxes are going to fill with Regina hate mail for that comment."
No, she only sends me hate mail when I say that the "hyphenated" Worlds isn't the real worlds. Only IPF Worlds with no other words in front of it is the real Worlds. Like Bench Worlds. Masters Worlds. Doofus Worlds. Etc.
> Oh and my hair isn't gray........
"You wish you had gray hair."
You are slipping into predictability.
> So, maybe my kids are right and I am getting
> old.I didn't understand one thing you mentioned above this. Were these some 60's events? LOL
I'm sorry, they didn't have Randolph Mantooth in Canada. YOu were busy developing Celine Dion. I hope you're proud.
> I can start calling him "Big Jason" and call
> myself "Little Jason."We can start calling you little Jason right now.
> I know, they gave you the BIG Tylenols for
> your recovery but it's not surgery.This from a guy who fell out of a garbage can and calls it an injury? I guess when you're 5' tall even a 2' drop can be deadly.
Ok, that was better. BUT dammit I'm 5' 6 1/2"
> I haven't had a drink in a month
You're not drinking and this is all you have to show for it? I am going to have to chat with GBuff.
Just don't ask him to do any math.
> Can you get a passport, visa, shots and get
> the ankle bracelet taken off in time?How will I fit in with your motley crew if I do that?
The Tats BRO. The TATS!!!
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