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Bench Nationals Updates *LINK*
Posted By: Jennifer Gaudreau
Date: Wednesday, 24 October 2007, at 7:06 a.m.
I just wanted to post a few updates & reminders.
Please make note that the deadline to have entry forms postmarked is this Friday, October 26th.
The roster is up on the website. I will try and have it updated at least twice a week.
I will have a Team entry form posted by Friday if you are interested in entering a team.
We already have the custom medals in our hands and they are freakin' awesome! The t-shirts are ordered and they look phenomenal too. (thanks to Rick Fowler for the hardwork on the artwork and website)
We look forward to having everyone out here in Denver next month. If you need help with anything or have questions or concerns please contact me at rmlcco@yahoo.com
train hard & travel safe
2007 Bench Nationals "Go Rockies!!!"
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