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IPF Master Bench Worlds
Posted By: Mike Hara
Date: Monday, 24 April 2006, at 1:40 p.m.
What a great meet and great bunch of people to hang out with!
Wanted to say thanks to my workout partner's - James and Jason as well as Greg and Craig from Napa who all helped me get ready for this one.
Also a big thanks to John Inzer for providing the always awesome Rage-X!
Lastly, thanks to Kevin, Nectar, Dana and Jules for being there for everyone! Our teams did well because we had great coaching and support - I tip my hat to all you guys!
Besides the lifting, it was also fun hangin' with everyone. Devon, good luck at Disney World and Dave - in Hungary. Dave, your hard work will pay off and your time will come so keep at it brother!
Again my appreciation to all and look forward to seeing everybody again at Jen's meet in Sept.
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