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Re: on the other forum
Posted By: Al Wood In Response To: Re: on the other forum (Regina Hackney)
Date: Thursday, 8 June 2006, at 7:20 p.m.
Regina and Jason,
I feel your pain.
Just 3 weeks from National masters I did something to my shoulder too putting on the bench shirt. One guy twisted the sleeve super hard and I felt pain the next day.
So when they were going to allow me to bench after bombing in the squat, I tried the empty bar and the pain was unreal.
So doing dumbbell bench presses sets of 15 with 60lbs is my comeback so far. The last time I did them prior to injury 8 reps with 115.
This getting old is tough but better than the alternative. I think my wife is looking at the alternative for me, she is threatening to cook dinner tomorrow night. Pray for me.
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