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Re: Speaking of the new rule...
Posted By: Jason Burnell In Response To: Re: Speaking of the new rule... *LINK* (Steve Denison)
Date: Sunday, 11 December 2005, at 9:32 p.m.
"It will sever my relationship with the USAPL and many other officials who cross over in Calif."
Steve, this makes no sense.
While it might effect say Rob, or Lance or Me as USAPL lifters/refs who ref/lift in USPF meets , it would have no effect on you as a USPF guy who reffed at OUR meets. The USPF isn't going to suspend you for lifting/reffing at a USAPL meet.
In order for anything to happen to you you'd have to qualify for an IPF meet and you don't lift in USAPL meets for the most part and haven't lifted in a USAPL National meet for as long as I can remember.
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